Welcome to the Euromid International offers
Esteemed Customer, here you will find Euromid International’s current Offers to different Products and Services
Euromid International has a wide spread range of different offers to Industrial Plants, Industrial Equipment and Machines, Raw Materials and Food etc., as well as several high sophisticated services to Industries and Companies which will be always updated here in this web-site.
Our Enoxpetrol covers the whole range of high quality lubricants which are used for example in cars, marines, machines of all types and to Army and Airforce equipment too.
We are able to supply Industrial and Governmental Customers and Companies which are dealing with us with specific, very serious solutions to Finance Projects and Industries, Finance, which is not related to conventional Bank Loans but economically much more efficient, as: “Finance against Corporate Bonds” and “Leasing Purchase against Guarantees for the Leasing Annuities only” and “Finance against Compensation with Crude Oil, Ore, Minerals” etc.
Euromid International would be glad to serve you with high quality new and used products to very reasonable prices. If you are looking for some different product or specification, which is not listed here, please send us your request and we will try our best with all our worldwide relations to Industries to present a really good offer to you.
Enoxpetrol is able to serve you – Industry, Wholesaler, Government, Army – with the best quality of internationally specified Lubricants to very reasonable prices.
Please ask us to more details of our offered products and – where not written – to our current sales-prices too.
Euromid International and Enoxpetrol
Contact us:
Euromid International offer
Phone: +49 911 / 63 22 58 6
F a x: +49 911 / 63 22 58 7
M a i l: info@euromid-int.com