First Presentation
At first stage the potential client has to give some facts on his intentions to which investment and related to which current business situation he is longing for finance against Corporate Bonds.
1) Short description of the planned investment into an existing or new company or into an industrial project (about 1 page).
2) Schedule to the expected finance and volume of finance and to the related realization of the planned business-investment (about 1 page).
3) Short draft to a business-plan with realistically expected turnover and income out of the business related to the finance against CB (1 page).
4) Short history of the investing company and full corporate name and address and short CV of the responsible management (total 1 to 2 pages).
Starting from this we will make up our mind if the planned investment against Corporate. Bonds will have a realistic chance to be financed.
If out of this short draft-presentation from the client himself we are expecting that finance of the presented project against Corporate Bonds is realistic than the consulting contract has to be closed and signed and the procedure has to be started as described in the offer.
This is the most serious way for the client to start realistic efforts to generate the needed finance against CB. Success cannot be guaranteed.
If the client needs support to create this first presentation we can offer to support him to prepare this against a consulting fee. This also can be done at site of the asking client’s company. Related travelling expenses etc. the client has to cover.